
My work is based in the Neurodiversity Paradigm (Walker, 2021), recognizing the inherent value of autistic, ADHD, neurodivergent minds of all kinds, and rejecting a false neuronormative binary.

Disabled Culture

Disabled students have been put in a disadvantaged position by a culture that is hostile to people who will not, or cannot comply with regulations and standards. My position is that being disabled is a culture, that has nothing to do with any physical or mental disability, but with being othered, disadvantaged, and working harder than your peers, to gain access that is offered to others feely. 

Radical access

I believe access to course content should be proactive, interactive, and radically open. Barring access to disabled students, requiring extra purchases, or even providing an easier access option for other students, is an ableist practice. Where WCAG Accessibility compliance requires a number of technical boxes be checked, Radical access means each student dictates how, when, where, and even what they use to learn.